tandem v2.1   JukeBox interface with Tandem
 ReqChange v3.1 Replaces the common AmigaDOS requestor

The most downloaded files from wustl.edu during the week until 17-Apr-94
Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.

File                 Dir        Size Description
-------------------  ---        ---- -----------
ar214.lha            docs/mags   64K+Amiga Report 2.14, 15-Apr-94
TextDemo4.lha        gfx/misc    29K+3D Dungeon with shading AGA/ECS (68020+)
rot3d.lha            demo/euro   96K+Texture mapping demo, requires math FPU
ar213.lha            docs/mags   48K+Amiga Report 2.13, 08-Apr-94
wolf3d-2.lha         dev/src     56K+Wolf3D clone demo
PowerCalc.lha        misc/math   26K+Workbench realtime graphing calc for OS 2.
amipeg03.lha         gfx/show    83K+fast MPEG player for AGA amigas v0.3, w/ f
MUGicWB.lha          util/wb     39K+Yet another collection of MagicWB icons
PicCon220.lha        gfx/conv    99K+Multipurpose gfx converter. 2.04+.
crb_brst.lha         demo/euro  665K+brain-state-in-a-box - 2nd at TG94


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